(Levi's, Balmain, Corina Vladescu, Topshop, J Brand, Topshop).
The 80s brought acid washed jeans, high waist goodies, enormous shoulders and daring make-up. Also, neon colors, big hair do's, women power and Michael Jackson.
I'd choose the acid washed jeans. They hit the catwalk at Balmain's spring collection 2009 and the streets also.
I'd wear a pair of skinny acid washed with a white shirt and laced sandals at a small, chic terrace with a giant muffin on my plate. Another option would be sporting them with a loose cardigan and a statement t-shirt, at a friend's house watching The Breakfest Club. And I wouldn't forget my comfy Chuck's.
All i need to do is bleach my skinny pink jeans; wouldn't wear them otherwise.
I like being on acid!
"She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry"
Sweet child o'mine, Guns N'Roses
Chiar scrisesem un articol pe Velvet Magazine de spre "Look a la Balmain", unde gasesti reteta pentru a-ti confectiona acasa proprii bleached jeans.
RăspundețiȘtergereSpor la treaba !
am distrus o pereche (de proba), am citit articolul tau si acum ma pregatesc iar de razboi. o sa iasa bine:D
Nu renunta !!! :D. You can do it, so "JUST DO IT" !
RăspundețiȘtergereNu uita cand sunt gata sa imi trimiti poze !